President - Rob Taylor

Rob has been a member of BERPC since 2021. He participates in the club’s PPC matches. Before moving to Missouri in late 2020, Rob competed in his club’s Bullseye pistol league for 10+ years. He was a Range Safety Officer and called many of the club’s Bulleye matches through the years. Rob has competed in the National Pistol Matches held in Camp Perry, Ohio for the last 5 years. Rob also enjoys shooting rifles and practicing defensive pistol drills at Ultimate Defense. Additionally, Rob has been reloading for over 10 years.

Rob is a member of Ultimate Defense, USCCA, and a lifetime member of the NRA.

Vice-President - Jim Gilman

Jim has been a member of BERPC since 2013. He occasionally competes in the club's High Power Rifle and the PPC matches.

Jim is a member of the Boeing Trap club and Ultimate Defense Firing Range and Training Center.

Secretary - Dana Best


Treasurer - Eric Delph


Webmaster - Jim Gilman

See above

PPC Match Director - Steve Jewett

Steve has been a member of BERPC since 2010. He participates in the PPC handgun competitions and, occasionally, in rifle events. In addition to BERPC, Steve shoots in International Defensive Pistol Association (IDPA) and 3-gun matches at Benchrest Rifle Club, and he has certifications as an IDPA Safety Officer, NRA Range Safety Officer, and NRA Pistol Instructor. Steve is a member of the Benchrest Rifle Club, Ultimate Defense Firing Range and Training Center, and the IDPA; he is an NRA Life Member.

HPR Match Director - John Carr

John has been a member of BERPC since 2015 participating in both the PPC and High Power matches. John ran the McDonnell Douglas Skeet League from the mid 80's until the great flood of 1993 and shot in registered tournaments until 1995. He is a life member of the National and Missouri Skeet Shooting Associations, a Patron Life member of the NRA and an annual member of Second Amendment Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition and contributor to the U.S. Shooting Team. John has NRA certification as a Range Safety Officer.