Membership Overview

The basic requirement for membership in BERPC is a $10 annual fee and a signed waiver. The fee may cover additional family members for current employees (see details below). The fee is waived for retirees, but the signed waiver is still required. A single waiver may be submitted for multiple family members, provided each member is listed and signs the waiver.

All members may participate in any BERPC activity with the exception of PPC matches. Insurance considerations prohibit members under the age of 21 from participating in the PPC matches.

Only regular members have a vote in BERPC; associate members do not have a vote.

The table below delineates the fees and privileges of each type of member.

Membership Types

Member Category Member Type Can Vote Annual Fee Shoot PPC Shoot HPR Shoot CCC
Employee Regular
Employee Spouse/Partner Regular
Boeing-Employed Spouse/Partner Regular
Retiree Regular
Boeing Affiliate Regular
Retiree Spouse/Partner Associate
Boeing Affiliate Spouse/Partner Associate
Non-Spouse/Partner Family - Minor Associate
Non-Spouse/Partner Family - Adult Associate
Special Consideration Associate


A "Boeing Affiliate" is a government employee, contractor or vendor stationed at or exclusively serving the Boeing company.

A "Special Consideration" member is a member who does not have an employment or familial affiliation with Boeing. Per the BERPC by-laws, special consideration members must be approved by the Boeing Recreation Council and the BERPC insurance provider.

An employee's entire family pays a single, $10 annual fee; however, each family member over the age of 21 must pay an additional $10 fee.

Retirees who were members in good standing at the time of retirement do not pay the annual fee; retirees who join after retirement pay the annual fee the first year but do not pay in subsequent years.

Spouses/partners of retirees, government personnel, contractors, and vendors pay the annual fee.

No one under the age of 21 may shoot in the PPC matches.