PPC Score Calculator

The PPC Score Calculator can be used to complete a PPC score sheet. It is based on the official BERPC PPC Score Sheet and uses the simple method of counting the number of hits in each scoring ring for each string. Refer to the BERPC Scoring Guide for more information on scoring targets.

The calculator verifies the correct number of shots are entered for each string and determines the shooter's classification from the total score for the match.

High Power Rifle Score Calculator

The High Power Rifle Score Calculator can be used to complete a High Power Rifle score sheet. It is based on the official BERPC High Power Rifle Score Sheet and uses the simple method of counting the number of hits in each scoring ring for each string. Refer to the BERPC Scoring Guide for more information on scoring targets.

The calculator verifies the correct number of shots are entered for each string and determines the shooter's classification from the total score for the match.

Stand-Alone Score Calculator

The Stand-Alone Score Calculator is a downloadable version of the PPC and High Power Rifle score calculators. The calculators run in web browser, but do not require an internet connection. The stand-alone calculator is still in work, but should be ready soon.

BERPC Score Tracker (2013)

The BERPC Score Tracker is a multi-page Excel spreadsheet with room to enter a shooter's scores for all PPC and High Power Rifle matches. The spreadsheet is pre-populated with scoring grids for each match, and behaves similarly to the PPC and High Power Rifle calculators. Hits are entered by scoring ring, and the spreadsheet calculates the match totals and shooter classification.

Documents and Score Sheets

The BERPC Scoring Guide provides an overview of the scoring process, a review of the score calculator features, and some examples of how to use the score sheets.

The BERPC PPC Score Sheet is the official BERPC PPC score sheet used at BERPC PPC matches.

The BERPC High Power Rifle Score Sheet is the official BERPC High Power Rifle score sheet used at BERPC High Power Rifle matches.